I am wearing hot pink (because it was 1992. duh.) elastic waistband shorts with matching slouchy socks and tee shirt. I am "running" around the back parking lot of St. John the Evangelist Church in 100 degree heat, sweating like a whore in church.
And I am alone. Not metaphorically -- literally. Every single one of my classmates has long since finished the mile and they are standing around impatiently, hands on hips, arms crossed, PE teacher with his too-short shorts holding a (at this juncture, totally pointless) stopwatch -- all staring at me as I go around and around and...
That makes it sound like I went "around" quickly. I did not.
The black asphalt is slick from the mirages created by the heat. I try to focus on the appearance of water ahead. But all I can hear is...
"GOD! Hurry up already!"
"Can we go in now? I mean, she already lost."
Yes, I had lost. And this memory has haunted me well into my adulthood, and spurned my dreams of becoming...
An athlete.
Yes, I hoped I might become a runner and so, with a wedding on the horizon last year, I decided to sign myself up for a half marathon and train.
I ran and I trained and I went to the half marathon and I did it! I ran 13.1 miles!
Please see evidence below:
Admittedly, "run" may be a strong word to describe how I completed the last 5 miles, but that's neither here nor there.

Total miles run since half marathon: 2.
This is because as a wedding gift I recieved a box wrapped in white paper and tied with a beautiful bow. Inside was a giant heap of demotivation and it was the genesis of the 20lbs I have successfully added to my physique over the last year.
Recently, I tried to return to fitness. However, since I am broke (see previous post) I decided to try the free exercise videos on OnDemand. It was here that I met Cindy, my trainer for Belly Bulge Blast (name is real -- I could not make that up).
Cindy likes to teach me a move and then do that move repeatedly, only, on, like, crack.
Cindy: Move to the left!
Me: [Moves to the right] Shit!
Cindy: Now step back and squat!
Me: [Steps forward and stands up] Shit!
Cindy: You can do it!
Me: [Too busy panting to speak].
Cindy: Pick it up now!
Me: [Dying]
Cindy: One more set! A little faster now!
Me: [Dying and reaching].
Cindy: You can do it!
Me: No I can't.
Goodbye Cindy. I'll take the eighth graders on the asphalt.
And here I thought an 11 minute mile was slow. I love the imagery in that tale, thank you. Instead of the run-a-half-marathon-before-your-wedding plan, I'm on the go-to-the-gym-3-times-a-month-plan. While eating very little I might add. This is not because I'm against eating (I'm super pro), but because I either can't be drawn away from the seating chart or shredding six years of documents I can't believe were still in my house or am tricked into feeling like three cups of coffee was food. But mostly it's because I can't bring myself to get more than three things at a time at the grocery store. Too taxing. Luckily my parents arrived today, so we have wine and Goldfish crackers. Hooray! Maybe we should work out together? (You bring the food).
ReplyDeleteBeth...I was seroiusly laughing out loud. You are a riot and I can't wait until you write your first novel :)
ReplyDeleteJen :)
i love the movie ladybugs!