About Act Your Age

I started this blog when I was just days away from turning 30, and I posted to it daily for 18 days.

That was fun in the summer when I wasn't working.  Not pragmatic while teaching full-time.  So now I update periodically.  You know, when I feel inspired

Below is a edited reprint of my first post, which generally sums up the gist of this blog:

On August 23rd I will turn 30.

The last person I mentioned this to said "Oh god! Please don't talk about it! I don't want to think about turning 30!"

Why the hell not? Its inevitable. You will age. You will do so for 30 years, barring any animal maulings, natural disasters, or plagues that could potentially put the kabosh on, you know, living.

I want to state right off that I am not depressed and/or stressed about turning 30. In fact, I embrace 30. Its not quite as sweet as 21, but its definately a milestone. A crossing-of-the-threshold, turning-of-the-corner, shove into adulthood.

I feel like I am a grown up.
What is most intriguing to me about turning 30 is what I thought 30 would look like when I was, say, 20. Ahhhhh, youth. Youth, you're cute. You are so idealistic and hopeful and ambitous....

You were not accurate, Youth. Not accurate at all.

Hence, this blog. I'd like to reflect on all the idealistic dreams that I (and you) had before we realized that our parents weren't bullshitting when they said the "real world" isn't quite what you think it is.