We started to make a list of hangover cures, but realized that our actions at age 20 were radically less sensible than those at age 30, and so we offer you a brief compare and contrast in the form of top 5 lists.
1. Keystone Light (in a pitcher, preferably at BT's in Radford, VA)
2. Beast Light
3. Natty Light (in a can, preferably in the basement of a fraternity house)
4. Icehouse
5. Shots of Jagermeister
Top Five Drinks Avoided at Age 30:
1. Keystone Light
2. Beast Light
3. Natty Light
4. Icehouse
5. Shots of Yeagermeister
Top Five Favorite Things to Eat When Hungover at Age 20:
1. The leftovers from the pizzia you ordered at 3am.
2. Fast food breakfast purchased via drive-thru (and while wearing a hangover hat and sunglasses)
3. An entire bag of potato chips (in my case, Cool Ranch Doritos) and a Blue Gatorade
4. Donuts (please note that this word is pluralized)
5. Lunch
Top Five Favorite Things to Eat When Hungover at Age 30:
1. Advil
2. Tums
3. Tylenol
4. Pepto-Bismol
5. Lunch
Top 5 Hangover Activities at Age 20:
1. Drink a 7-11 coffee
2. Chain smoke a pack of cigarettes
3. Eat fried food
4. Rehash the hilarity from the night before
5. Drink beer
** Note: Look at this list. Doesn't sound like a Friday night in college? What we did to "cure" hangovers was the same damn thing that caused them in the first place. We were like gods back then...
Top Five Hangover Activities at Age 30:
1. Take Advil.
2. Lay on sofa.
3. Watch a sporting event until 5:00pm.
4. Order a pizza.
5. Fail to shower until next morning.
**Note: This sounds shockingly like my today...
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